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The effects of radiofrequency ablation on lymphocytes, subsets and cytokines in patients with thyroid cancer: A meta-analysis
B. Miao , G. Ruan , F. Meng , Q. Zhang , J. Pei , D. Li
Breast & Thyroid & Head and Neck Surgery, Affiliated Hospital of Shaoxing University, Shaoxing, 312000, China , ruangangqiang0711@126.com
Abstract:   (376 Views)
Background: To systematically evaluate the effects of radiofrequency ablation on lymphocytes, subsets, and cytokines in patients with thyroid cancer. Materials and Method: Radiofrequency ablation, thyroid cancer, lymphocytes, and other key terms are used to search for randomized controlled clinical trials (RCTs) related to them.The data analysis is conducted using RevMan 5.3 software. The relative risk (RR) is used to analyze the effect magnitude of binary variable data. The mean difference (MD) represents the continuous variable data results. The interval estimation is presented as 95% CI. Results: The standardized mean difference between the CD3+, CD4+, sub-population counts, and CD4+/CD8+ratios among the studies was 1.91 (95% CI0.91 ~ 2.91), 0.07(95% CI-0.07 ~ 0.22). The combined effect quantity indicated that radiofrequency ablation had a significant effect on improving lymphocytes and sub-populations in thyroid cancer patients.The heterogeneity test results among different studies were I2 = 99%, 99%, P < 0.01 and 0.32. The results indicated a high level of heterogeneity between the two groups. The standardized mean difference of cytokine levels such as IL-6 and TNF-a in different studies was -4.20 (95% CI-4.30 ~ -4.10), -6.40 (95% CI-7.07 ~ -5.77). The combined effect quantity indicated that radiofrequency ablation had a significant effect on reducing serum inflammatory cytokine levels in thyroid cancer patients.The heterogeneity test results between different studies were I2 = 100%, 97%, and P < 0.01. The results indicated a high level of heterogeneity between the two groups. The differences between groups are statistically significant (x2 = 4.48, P < 0.01). Conclusion: Compared with other surgeries, radiofrequency ablation can inhibit CD4+, promote CD8+lymphocyte proliferation, and reduce inflammatory factors in thyroid cancer patients.
Keywords: Thyroid cancer, Radiofrequency ablation, Lymphocytes and sub-populations, Cytokines, Meta-analysis.
Full-Text [PDF 2123 kb]   (113 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Radiation Biology
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