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Cytogenetic and cytotoxic effects of melatonin and saffron on lymphocytes of luminal A and luminal B breast cancer patients irradiated in vitro
H. Mozdarani , S. Mozdarani , F. Pakniyat , S. Mozdarani , H. Nosrati
Abstract:   (272 Views)
Background: Due to high radiation- sensitivity of breast cancer (BC) patients, use of radioprotectors to ameliorate the deleterious effects of radiation could be a priority. This study aimed to evaluate the reducing effects of saffron and melatonin on ionizing radiation-induced damages in lymphocytes of luminal A & B BC patients using cytome assay. Materials and Methods: Whole blood samples were collected from BC patients as well as healthy individuals. Cells were treated with either melatonin or saffron two hours prior to irradiation of G0 lymphocytes using a 6 MV linear accelerator, at a dose of 3Gy. Thirty-six hours after PHA stimulation, Cytochalasin-B was added to the cultures. Cell harvesting and staining was performed using standard method. 1000 binucleate cells were scored per sample for the frequency of micronuclei (MN) or apoptosis under a 1000x light microscope. Results: The frequency of background MN was significantly lower in normal individuals compared to BC patients. Pretreatments of "saffron and melatonin" alone made no significant changes in the frequency of MN in all groups. However, after 3Gy-irradiation the frequency of MN elevated dramatically (p<0.01). Pretreatment of lymphocytes with melatonin and saffron led to a decrease in the frequency of MN in all treatment groups (p<0.05). In terms of apoptosis induction, only melatonin was found to exert reducing effect on radiation induced apoptosis. No radioprotection was observed for saffron in lymphocytes of BC patients. Conclusion: Obtained results elucidated more pronounced role of melatonin in decreasing MN and apoptosis frequencies post irradiation in lymphocytes of BC patients.
Keywords: Cytome assay, breast cancer, lymphocytes, antioxidants, ionizing radiation, radioprotection.
Full-Text [PDF 1032 kb]   (45 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Radiation Biology
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