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Study on the application of multislice spiral CT in the diagnosis and evaluation of radiotherapy efficacy for esophageal cancer
W. Huang , L. Wang , H. Ye
Department of Radiology, Wenzhou TCM Hospital of Zhejiang Chinese Medical University, Wenzhou, China , wzzyyfsk2020@163.com
Abstract:   (173 Views)
Background: To analyze the application value of multislice spiral CT in the diagnosis of esophageal cancer and the evaluation of radiotherapy efficacy. Materials and Methods: A total of 90 esophageal cancer patients treated in our hospital from October 2022 to December 2023 were selected and underwent multislice spiral CT examination. Surgical pathology diagnosis results were used as the gold standard for this study. The diagnostic accuracy of multislice spiral CT for T and N staging of esophageal cancer patients was statistically analyzed. CT perfusion parameters [permeability surface (PS), mean transit time (MTT), blood volume (BV), blood flow (BF)] were compared between the complete remission (CR) group and the non-CR group after radiotherapy. ROC analysis was used to evaluate the predictive efficiency of CT perfusion parameters for CR. Results: The diagnostic accuracy of multislice spiral CT for T1, T2, T3, and T4 staging in esophageal cancer patients was 78.57%, 83.33%, 87.50%, and 95.00%, respectively. The diagnostic accuracy for N0 and N1 staging was 91.89% and 92.45%, respectively. The CR group had lower BV, BF, MTT, and PS compared to the non-CR group (P<0.05). Combined detection of BV, BF, MTT, and PS had a higher sensitivity (95.12%) for predicting CR than single detection methods (66.52%, 76.86%, 72.39%, 77.63%) (P<0.05), with no significant difference in specificity between combined (80.26%) and single detections (78.46%, 81.24%, 82.71%, 80.89%) (P>0.05). Conclusion: Multislice spiral CT can accurately diagnose T and N staging in esophageal cancer patients. Combined detection of CT perfusion parameters BV, BF, MTT, and PS can improve the sensitivity of predicting CR, providing important reference value.
Keywords: Multislice spiral CT, Esophageal cancer, Diagnosis, Radiotherapy.
Full-Text [PDF 578 kb]   (22 Downloads)    
Type of Study: Original Research | Subject: Radiation Biology
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